Our Community
Over 50 companies, universities and organizations, and over 300 individuals have worked with us over the years on the effort to create a global infrastructure for digital inclusion — and we are always looking for new collaborations and collaborators on this increasingly important mission.
Please contact us to find ways in which you can get involved.
Companies and Organizations who have participated or provided direct support
A Partial List of Companies and organizations have helped to build and implement the GPII (in Alphabetical Order)
- Adobe
- AssistMeLive
- Astea Solutions
- Barcelona Digital
- Bookshare
- Carnegie Mellon University
- CharmTech Labs LLC
- Cloud4all Consortium
- CodeFactory
- Coleman Institute
- Consumer Electronics Association Foundation
- Daisy Consortium
- Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI GmbH)
- enLogic
- European Commission
- Floe
- Fluid Foundation
- Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocci Onlus
- Fundacion Vodafone
- Fundacion ONCE
- Fraunhofer IAO
- Full Measure
- Gallaudet University
- Georgia Tech
- Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults
- Hochschule Der Medien (HDM)
- Hoeft & Wessel AG
- IBM Korea
- Ideal Group
- IESE Business School
- Ilunion
- Inclusive Design Research Center
- Infusion
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- LifeSTech
- Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)
- Microsoft
- Mozilla
- National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)
- National Science Foundation
- OER Africa
- Omnitor
- Open Source Assistive Technology Software (OATS)
- OpenURC
- Participatory Culture Foundation (PCF)
- Philips
- Phoenix KM
- Prosperity4All Consortium
- RavensWood
- RoboBraille Org
- Royal National Institute for the Blind
- Seoul National University
- Serotec
- Silicon Flatirons
- SingularLogic
- Stiftung Digitale-Chancen
- Synscenter REFSNAES
- Syracuse University
- Technische Universitat Dresden
- Technosite
- TextHELP
- The Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH)
- The International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet (ICDRI)
- Trace R&D Center
- Universal Subtitles
- University of South Australia
- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Please contact us if you see an error or if your organization is missing from this list.
Funding organizations
Over the years Raising the Floor and its partners working on digital inclusion have been fortunate to receive funding from generous organizations and institutions:
- Adobe Foundation
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Canada Foundation for Innovation
- Consumer Electronics Association Foundation
- European Commission
- Hewlett Foundation
- Heritage Canada
- Industry Canada
- Mozilla Foundation
- National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitative Research (NIDRR)
- National Science Foundation
- Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services (OSERS)
- Ontario Research Fund – Research Infrastructure
- Ontario Research Fund – Research Excellence
- Social Science and Humanities Research Council (Canada)
- The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
- Yahoo
Early participants
Raising the Floor needs, and has attracted, a wide range of different people and organizations from across the spectrum. Participants include consumers, developers, researchers, practitioners, policy people, vendors and manufactures large and small, mainstream and assistive technology. They are located across the globe on every continent except Antarctica.
Some of the early participants and supporters of the Raising the Floor effort include:
- Achilleas P. Achilleos (University of Cyprus)
- Achim von der Embse (Höft&Wessel)
- Alan W. Black (Carnegie Mellon Univ., Language Technologies Institute)
- Alberto Corpas Novo (Consorcio Fernando de los Ríos, GUADAL)
- Alejandro Leiva Rojas (EMERGYA)
- Alex Russell (Clevercherry)
- Alexandros Economomou (MLS Making Life Simple)
- Alfredo Matas (Raising the Floor)
- Alissa Sprenger (Stifung Digitale Chancen, SDC)
- Amalia del Río Montero (Ilunion)
- Amarja Desai (Trace Center, Univ. of Maryland)
- Anastasios Tsopanoglou (SingularLogic Information Systems & Applications SA)
- Andrea Agnoletto (Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, FDCGO)
- Andrea Berger (Stifung Digitale Chancen, SDC)
- Andreas Schuller (FRAUNHOFER IAO)
- Andreas Stiegler (Hochschule der Medien, HdM)
- Andrés Iglesias Pérez (Ilunion)
- Anna Makri (SingularLogic Information Systems & Applications SA)
- Anne-Sophie Parent (AGE Platform Europe)
- Antonio Davila (IESE)
- Antranig Basman (Raising the Floor)
- Axel Leblois (G3ICT The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs)
- Ben Caldwell (Pushing 7)
- Bern Jordan (Trace Center, Univ. of Maryland)
- Bill Coleman (Alsop Louie Partners)
- Boyan Sheytanov (ASTEA Solutions AD)
- Brad Ruderman (Accenture)
- Brendan O’Connor (Malice Afterthought, Inc.)
- Britta Hetzer (Stifung Digitale Chancen, SDC)
- Bryan Young (Raising the Floor)
- Carlos Parra (EMERGYA)
- Caroline Ragot (Code Factory, SL)
- Charlotta Mellander (Jonkoping International Business School)
- Chris Hofstader (Consultant)
- Christian Knecht (Universitat Stuttgart, USTUTT)
- Christoph Veigl (Fachhochschule Technikum Wien)
- Christophe Strobbe (Hochschule der Medien, HdM)
- Christos G. Mettouris (University of Cyprus)
- Cindy Li (IDRC – OCAD Univ.)
- Claudia Loitsch (Technische Universität Dresden)
- Claudia Salatino (Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, FDCGO)
- Clayton Lewis (U of Colorado, Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities)
- Colin Clark (IDRC, OCAD Univ.)
- Dagmar Haebe (FRAUNHOFER IAO)
- Dale Hatfield (Silicon Flat Irons)
- Danail Karadaliev (HyperAspect (Sofia, Bulgaria))
- Daune O’Brien (Trace Center, Univ. of Maryland)
- David Boloker (IBM, CTO – Emerging Technology Group)
- David Zanoletty García (Fundación ONCE)
- Dimitrios Tzovaras (Informatics and Telematics Institute – CERTH, Greece)
- Don Tapscott (Jonkoping International Business School)
- Ed Price (Georgia Tech)
- Eduard Sánchez (Code Factory, SL)
- Elena Gómez (Technosite)
- Eleni Chalkia (CERTH)
- Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo (Fundación Sidar)
- Estíbaliz Ochoa (Fundación Vodafone España)
- Eugene Yang (Raising the Floor)
- Eva de Lera (Raising the Floor)
- Fausto Sainz (Ilunion)
- Féliz Ontalón Carmona (EMERGYA)
- Ferran Gállego (Code Factory, SL)
- Firas Mbarek (TP Vision Belgium)
- Frank Kamperman (TP Vision Netherlands)
- George A. Papadopoulos (University of Cyprus)
- George Galanopoulos (SingularLogic Information Systems & Applications SA)
- George Kerscher (Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic)
- George Veranis (MLS Making Life Simple)
- Gerhard Nussbaum (KI-I)
- Gerhard Weber (Technische Universität Dresden)
- Gianna Tsakou (SingularLogic Information Systems & Applications SA)
- Giorgos Aggouras (SingularLogic Information Systems & Applications SA)
- Gottfried Zimmermann (Hochschule der Medien, HdM)
- Gregg Vanderheiden (Trace Center University of Wisconsin – Madison)
- Guillem Serra (Barcelona Digital)
- Gunnar Hellström (Omnitor AB)
- Han Cho (Raising the Floor)
- Hironobu Takagi (IBM Research)
- Honza Pokorny (ENG)
- Ignacio Madrid (Ilunion)
- Ignacio Peinado (Raising the Floor)
- Ilenia Gheno (AGE Platform Europe)
- Ioannis Kasampalidis (CERTH)
- Ivan Carmona (Ilunion)
- Jaisiel Madrid-Sánchez (Ilunion)
- Jan Richards (IDRC, OCAD)
- Janet Dragojevic (ENG)
- Javier Hernandez (Raising the Floor)
- Javier Jaramago (Raising the Floor)
- Jerry Weisman (Assistive Technology Solutions)
- Jess Mitchell (IDRC)
- Jesús Fernández Fernández (Consorcio Fernando de los Ríos, GUADAL)
- Jesús Hernández Galán (Fundación ONCE)
- Jim Fruchterman (Benetech)
- Jim Sandstrum (Univ. of Colorado)
- Jim Tobias (Inclusive Technologies)
- Jon Azpiroz Aguado (Fundación Vodafone España)
- José Ángel Martínez-Usero (Ilunion, INREDIS project)
- Joseph Scheuhammer (IDRC – OCAD Univ.)
- Juan Bta. Montalvá (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM)
- Juan Francisco Delgado Morales (Consorcio Fernando de los Ríos, GUADAL)
- Jutta Croll (Stifung Digitale Chancen, SDC)
- Jutta Treviranus (IDRC, OCAD Univ.)
- Kalin Georgiev Nikolov (ASTEA Solutions AD)
- Karel Van Isacker (PhoenixKM BVBA)
- Karl Kase (LIFETool)
- Kate Vanderheiden (Trace Center, Univ. of Maryland)
- Katie Haritos-Shea (Consultant)
- Kavya Komuru (Raising the Floor)
- Kees Tuinenbreijer (TP Vision Netherlands)
- Kevin Stolarick (Jonkoping International Business School)
- Konstantinos Grigoriadis (MLS Making Life Simple)
- Konstantinos Votis (Informatics and Telematics Institute – CERTH, Greece)
- Kostas Kalaboukas (SingularLogic Information Systems & Applications SA)
- Kostas Kalogirou (CERTH)
- Kristiyan Yanachkov (HyperAspect (Sofia, Bulgaria))
- Laia Pujol (IESE)
- Lars Ballieu Christensen (Sensus)
- Lidiya Zyskina (Trace Center, Univ. of Maryland)
- Lynn Baumeister (Center for Civic Design)
- Manuel Ortega (Ilunion)
- Marc Pous (Barcelona Digital)
- Marcel Malet (Barcelona Digital)
- Maria Fernanda Cabrera (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM)
- Maria Gemou (CERTH)
- María Saturnina Torre Calero (Fundación Vodafone España)
- Mario Reyes (Barcelona Digital)
- Mark Ferguson (Clevercherry)
- Martin McKay (TextHelp)
- Martin Sabry (aIdeas)
- Mathiew Carenzo (IESE)
- Mats Lundälv (DART, AEGIS, OATSoft and Conceptcoding.org)
- Matteo Serrationi (Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, FDCGO)
- Matthias Peissner (FRAUNHOFER IAO)
- Melanie Endres (Code Factory, SL)
- Michael Beigl (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT)
- Michel Meeuws (TP Vision Belgium)
- Michelle D’Souza (IDRC – OCAD Univ.)
- Nancy Frishberg (Center for Civic Design)
- Neal Ewers (Ravenswood Productions)
- Nena Georgantzi (AGE Platform Europe)
- Nick Demou (enLOGIC)
- Nick Panagopoulos (enLOGIC)
- Nicos Maglaveras (CERTH)
- Nikolaos Kaklanis (CERTH)
- Nikolay Furnadzhiev (HyperAspect (Sofia, Bulgaria))
- Nora Fronemann (Universitat Stuttgart, USTUTT)
- Ophélie Durand (AGE Platform Europe)
- Pavithra Ramasamy (Trace Center, Univ. of Maryland)
- Peter Balog (Fachhochschule Technikum Wien)
- Peter Korn (Amazon & AEGIS)
- Pier Luigi Emiliani (Director Institute of Applied Physics, NRC, Italy)
- Pilar Hualde (Code Factory, SL)
- Rachael Bower (REB Consulting)
- Radu Gruia (Clevercherry)
- Rainer Stiefelhagen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT)
- Rebecca Romppel (Stifung Digitale Chancen, SDC)
- Renzo Andrich (Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, FDCGO)
- Richard Florida (Jonkoping International Business School)
- Richard Schwerdtfeger (IBM)
- Rob Shaw (ENG)
- Rob Sinclair (Microsoft)
- Roberto di Pietro (Barcelona Digital)
- Roland Ossmann (KI-I)
- Rossa Gardler (Open Directive)
- Saju Sathyan (Sensus)
- Sandra Ellett-Salmoran (Raising the Floor)
- Sebastian Kelle (Hochschule der Medien, HdM)
- Sergey Nazarov (Raising the Floor)
- Sergi Torrellas (Barcelona Digital)
- Simon Bates (IDRC – OCAD Univ.)
- Simon Judge (OATSoft)
- Simon Thiel (FRAUNHOFER IAO)
- Sotiris Malassiotis (CERTH)
- Stanley Lam (University of Southern California)
- Stefan Parker (KI-I)
- Stefan Schürz (LIFETool)
- Stelios Pantelopoulus (Singular Logic)
- Stepan Stipl (Raising the Floor)
- Steve Githens (Raising the Floor)
- Steve Grundell (Raising the Floor)
- Steve Jacobs (Ideal)
- Steve Lee (Open Directive)
- Tanja Stevns (Sensus)
- Thomas Burger (LIFETool)
- Till Riedel (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT)
- Tomás De Andrés García (Fundación Vodafone España)
- Trifon Anchev Trifonov (ASTEA Solutions AD)
- Tyler Roscoe (Raising the Floor)
- Ulrike Peter (Stifung Digitale Chancen, SDC)
- Valerio Gower (Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, FDCGO)
- Vasilis Chatzatoglou (SingularLogic Information Systems & Applications SA)
- Vassilis Koutkias (CERTH)
- Vera Roberts (IDRC, OCAD Univ.)
- Vint Cerf (Google)
- Vissarion Pavlopoulos (CERTH)
- Vivien Melcher (Fraunhofer)
- Whitney Quesenbery (Center for Civic Design)
- Xavier Rafael-Palou (Barcelona Digital)
- Yura Zenevich (IDRC)
- Zulima Nieto Marcos (Fundación ONCE)
Please contact us if you see an error or your name is missing from this list.