Mission and Vision

Those who cannot access and use technologies are increasingly being put at a distinct economic, social, and educational disadvantage in comparison to those who do have access.
The Internet and digital technologies in general are invading all aspects of life from education to employment to daily living, health and even political and social participation. People who cannot access, understand or use these digital technologies due to their disability, literacy, digital literacy or effects of aging simply will not be able to participate or even care for themselves in the emerging digital world we are creating.
Our vision is of a world where everyone of every socio-economic level and with any level of disability, literacy, digital literacy or age, will be able to understand, access and use all of the digital technologies they encounter and need to use to live a fulfilling life.
Our mission is to facilitate the efforts of all of those who share this vision and are working toward it. More specifically our mission is to work with others to build a global infrastructure of resources and services necessary to achieve this end.
Resources and services that can
- Make people aware that there are solutions to their needs
- Make it easier for people to find solutions to their digital barriers if they exist – anywhere in the world
- Make it easier for people, even those with essentially no digital literacy, to be able to understand and use digital technologies
- Make it possible for the solutions the need appear on any digital technology they encounter — all set up for them
- Make it easier for content to be in the form that they can best perceive and understand
- Make it easier for those who want to create new or better solutions to create them faster and with less expense – and market them more widely and successfully – even to very small populations of users